WELCOMEInitiator Human Development Foundation

Initiator Human Development Foundation is presently working for Children on the Move which is a social term defined as children who keep migrating from one place to another with or without their parents. IHDF focuses to provide the following services:
- Enrollment in non-formal education
- Making birth certificates for Children on the Move
- Enrollment in formal education
- Child reunification

out staff members

Mahabub Alam
Web DeveloperMahabub Alam
Web Developer
Israt Sultana
Web DesignerIsrat Sultana
Web Designer
Hashin Hayder
Web DeveloperHashin Hayder
Web DeveloperAddress
- Suite No.5, 2nd floor, Block C-3, Taj Complex, M.A. Jinnah Raod, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan-74400
- Distance to venue: 1.50 km
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